
Sleep & rituals


The right amount of sleep is crucial to a child’s healthy development. A key factor in getting each individual child to sleep is getting to know their sleeping habits in order to put them at ease. Every child has their own bed to sleep in. Dummies, comfort blankets or toy animals are brought from home. If a child needs a breastfeeding pillow or sleeping bag, these are provided. We play soothing music to send the children to sleep, and stay with every single one until they have gone to sleep. We don’t wake the children: they have as much sleep as they need.

If parents have any preferences regarding sleeping times, they are encouraged to let us know (e.g. if a child does not go to sleep easily in the evening).


Rituals and celebrations are a key element of our nursery routine. We observe them every day and throughout the year. The recurring, consistent daily, weekly and yearly rhythm gives the children structure and security.

This rhythm helps us to develop a trusting attitude towards our surroundings. Rituals and celebrations are eagerly anticipated and enable us to cherish a particular moment. They mark the high points of daily life.

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