
3. Social skills and communication of values

Communication of values and enhancement of social skills are top priorities at Ameisenburg, and are incorporated into all activities on a daily basis. The children learn to name the various feelings and perceive them in themselves and others. This forms a basis for development of empathy and helps the children to find their own identity whilst also learning to understand the feelings of others. Children develop these skills slowly at around four years of age.

• Children’s understanding of themselves as unique
• Knowing and adhering to rules of living together
• Children’s understanding of themselves as part of a culture

At Ameisenburg, the children are helped to perceive their own strengths and weaknesses and deal with success and failure. They learn that mistakes are a part of life. Independent activity is encouraged, e.g. brushing teeth. The children are encouraged to express their own opinions and thoughts and try out and risk new things. All these activities are intended to help the children to develop a strong, healthy sense of self-worth. As a result, they can stand up for themselves if their needs are not respected.

Knowing and adhering to rules of living together
Ameisenburg firmly believes in a group climate, as quality learning is only possible in a good atmosphere. We are keen to ensure that children learn to value and respect each other. Cultivation of relationships is fostered by working in small groups. In this way, the children learn how to empathise with different children and show consideration for them. Through group activities, they see themselves as part of the group and also learn how to make joint decisions and take on responsibility. This is about learning how to put aside their own immediate needs and experience a sense of togetherness. In play, the children learn to respect and pay attention to other children’s achievements and respect the rules of fairness.

At Ameisenburg, conflicts are regarded as an important opportunity:

• To look for suitable solutions to conflicts
• Rituals for successful conflict resolution such as making up
• Learning to say sorry
• Learning how to handle conflicts

Children’s understanding of themselves as part of a culture: 
At Ameisenburg, children learn about and celebrate various festivals, customs and rituals. This enhances their understanding of the diversity of people. Children come into contact with vital issues in various areas, and are interested in them. These topics are dealt with in a child-oriented, playful way. In role-play and through theatre and storybooks, social skills and values are learned and enhanced, whilst background and other opinions are asked about and discussed. By means of discussions, the children are taught how to express their own opinion, accept others and adhere to simple conversation rules.

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