
2. Mathematical skills & basic knowledge of physics/chemistry

At our kindergarten, basic mathematical skills are communicated using the very latest methods. Initial maths lessons are geared towards the latest research results based on neurophysiological principles and genetic theories of cognition. Teaching aids at the state schools in Zurich are taken into account, ensuring a good start to school life.

Maths lessons are based on: 
Recognition of laws:
• Patterns of all kinds, with rules of the order of symmetry
• Classification of objects with different criteria
• Shapes, colours, sizes

Understanding of quantities and the possibilities of subdivision, development of different counting strategies:
• Abstraction principle, order irrelevance
• Finding own individual solutions

Basic knowledge of physics and chemistry: 
Through trips to the nearby forest, the children gain a basic understanding of physics and chemistry in a sensory manner with the help of nature. For instance, they see that the forest pond freezes over in winter and that water can therefore take on different forms. In addition, wind experiments can be easily carried out in the open.
Nature teaches the children to make environmental connections. This knowledge encourages the children to recognise new connections in other areas.

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